


星座:双子座 不详 189





  Errol Leslie Thomson Flynn (20 June 1909 – 14 October 1959)[1] was an Australian-born American[2] actor.[3] He was known for his romantic swashbuckler roles in Hollywood films and his playboy lifestyle.  Flynn flew with Aadland to Vancouver on 9 October 1959, to lease his yacht Zaca to millionaire George Caldough. On 14 October, Caldough was driving Flynn to the airport when Flynn felt ill. He was taken to the apartment of Caldough's friend, Dr. Grant Gould, uncle of pianist Glenn Gould. A party ensued, with Flynn regaling guests with stories and impressions. Feeling ill again, he announced "I shall return" and retired to a bedroom to rest. A half hour later, Aadland checked in on him and discovered him unconscious. Flynn had suffered a heart attack. According to the Vancouver Sun (16 December 2006), "When Errol Flynn came to town in 1959 for a week-long binge that ended with him dying in a West End apartment, his local friends propped him up at the Hotel Georgia lounge so that everyone would see him." The story is a myth; following Flynn's death, his body was turned over to a coroner (George Brayshaw), who performed an autopsy, and released his body to his next of kin.  Errol Flynn is interred in Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, in Glendale, California. Both of his parents survived him. 演艺经历 最后埃罗尔·弗林返回伦敦,开始从事表演,他的第一部影片是由名导演查尔斯·肖维尔执导的影片《慷慨的觉醒》(1933),他以其天生的运动天赋和英俊的外表一炮而红,被好莱坞所看中而来到美国1935年,电影《铁血船长》大获成功,让弗林踏入了明星的行列,也从此奠定了他角色的基调,他诠释了一个又一个行侠仗义的草莽英雄形象,最著名的就是罗宾汉了。1943年,埃罗尔·弗林因强奸罪被审判时,两个未成年女孩声称他和她们上床。最终弗林被宣判无罪。弗林在审判期间,弗林邀请经营法院香烟看台的未成年少女回家,后来她成了他的第二任妻子。 个人生活 家庭背景埃罗尔·弗林出生在澳大利亚的霍巴特市,父亲西奥多·汤姆森·弗林(TheodoreThomsonFlynn)是一个卓有成就的生物学家,在塔斯曼尼亚大学任教生物学,在1909年是讲师,1911年晋升为教授。母亲则是一个富有冒险精神的女子。婚姻生活埃罗尔·弗林有三段婚姻。1931—1942年,与莉莉·达米塔(LiliDamita)。1943—1948年,与诺拉·埃丁顿(NoraEddington)。1950—1959年,与帕特里斯·怀摩(PatriceWymore)。 获奖记录 金苹果奖 1948最不合作的男演员(获奖) 1943最不合作的男演员(获奖) 德国斑比奖 1952国际最佳男演员Montana(提名) 1951国际最佳男演员SilverRiver、剑侠唐璜、云雨巫山枉断肠(获奖) 星光大道 1960-2-8在好莱坞大道6654号、7008号留星(电影、电视)(获奖) 人物评价 在屏幕上,埃罗尔·弗林永远是一个热爱自由的叛逆者,为了正义和美女的芳心而不停战斗。而在屏幕下,他的那些怪僻:酗酒,打架,漂泊和乱交等,则让他的屏幕形象都相形失色。他曾卷入三起强奸案诉讼中,由于私生活麻烦不断,而纵欲也让他的青春不再,他的事业开始走下坡路,而诉讼案和国税局更让他头痛不已。而他的钱财也所剩无几,他后期的角色很少有值得称道的,但是因为他的悔悟和他曾创造出的经典形象,影迷们在他去世后还是非常的怀念他。



